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Bubbly Screen Protector

The girl at the phone screen protector kiosk at the mall had a bandaged thumb. She said, "I mean, I can try, but I sliced my thumb open the other day, and I'm left-handed."

I imagined all the bubbles and band-aid lint that would be stuck forever on my precious new iphone.


It's enough to make me sick.

The thought of the uneven screen protector... not lining up where the speaker holes are.

The tiny, almost imperceptible air bubbles trapped underneath. The mystery fibers.

"Um, it's cool. I'll come back another day."

If you think I'm going to let you take a crack at applying the most difficult sticker of all time onto my iphone, you are sorely mistaken. Thanks, but no thanks. I don't trust myself, with two working hands and dexterity in all ten fingers, to put this thing on-- there's no way I'm going to let a bandaged, bleeding finger girl touch my phone.

She was so relieved. Honestly, so was I.



thank you, love you, xoxoʉϬ

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